Our honey is straight from the hive. We believe simplicity produces the best flavours. Once frames are removed from the hive we manually remove the wax caps, spin the honey out and let gravity take it through a course sieve! And that’s it. No heating it up, no machinery, nothing added or removed, pure and simple Honey from the hive into the jars!
The flavour is outstanding, and sometimes there will even be a tiny amount of delicious wax or wax residue on the surface which is evidence of the afore mentioned natural and minimal process undertaken to remove honey from the frames. Note – most jars will not have this but rest assured your honey followed the same process, it’s simply that your jar was made mid flow.
With less than 50 hives we do not produce a substantial amount of honey and consequently our clients tend to be people local to Stafford and consume our honey not just for its outstanding quality and flavour but also for the health benefits of consuming Stafford local honey.
Bees forage within a 3 mile radius from the hive, however tend to concentrate efforts on much closer nectar sources where available. We have honey bee hives in gardens around the Burton Manor area of Stafford. And we have Bees in the Hopton and Weston and surrounding area on the border of Stafford.
2024 prices for 1lb of tip top Stafford Honey is £8 per Jar or 2 for £15. Each jar comes as per the images, i.e. beautifully presented and with a wooden honey drizzler.
if you have any questions with regards to our outstanding honey please do take a look at our Q&A page where you can find lots of answers to already asked questions. If your question isn’t there feel free to complete the form or drop me an email and ask it.
Are you local to Stafford and want to buy our honey? please do contact Mr Bee Directly on 07516 890673 ; call or text. Cheers.