My Honey has turned to a whiter soft crystalised texture in the Jar, can I still eat it?

Absolutely!! And it is just as delicious and good for you.  This doesn’t happen very often, but when it does it means the honey is substantially less messy and has all the same outstanding flavours. The nectar of some flowers cause the honey to crystalise quickly.  Even if a small amount of this nectar is brought back to the hive and mixed with other types of nectar the whole jar may well crystalise.  It’s perfectly normal.  It most often happens within a few weeks of jarring with the likes of spring honey where the bees may have been collecting nectar from Oil Seed Rape. The honey we take from our garden hives in the summer tends to stay runny for many months, but that’s never a guarantee.   I like to think the crystalising locks in all that honey goodness! 

You might find super market ‘runny honey’ never crystalises…. Or if it eventually does it tends to remain golden coloured and a bit runny but with large grains of sugary type textured stuff…. I have no idea what might have been added to achieve this.  Interesting article -

If the link is broken search uk supermarket honey tests.


Is it possible to change crystalised honey back to runny honey?

Yep, just get it warm.  A warm water bath or airing cupboard etc will soon bring it back to runny.  Although Mr Bee’s Bees honey is superb when crystalised so in this unlikely situation there is no need to make it runny.


There Is a tiny amount of white debris floating on the surface – what is it?

Oooohh.. you have a little bit of wax in there.  This is unusual but possible when producing honey in the very simple way that we do.  You can eat it.  Infact Mark Bee’s children like to chew the wax cappings like honey flavoured chewing gum! Unfortunately, your jar definitely wont have enough wax in it to allow you to chew it.


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